Let’s Make it Easy
Consult and get triaged immediately
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Co-Create your preferred life
It’s that simple – we made it that way, to ease the burden on you. Life’s hard enough.
Hello! I’m Kathleen Kelava
Registered Psychologist (#4818), BComm, MC
Psychological Counselling & Assessment Services in Calgary & Alberta
Skilled, Direct, Insightful,
Empathetic, and Effective Care

Client-Centred care
The Psychologists at Pinnacle Psych understand the importance of catering to a client’s specific set of needs to ensure the sessions are efficient and effective. Our Psychologists appreciate a “tough-love” approach, while also taking client comfort & readiness into consideration throughout the work.

Wide Range of Treatments
Our Psychologists focus on a variety of practice areas such as anxiety, depression, Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities (LD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), family dynamics, Tourette’s Syndrome and Tic Disorders, substance use and addiction, trauma and more.

Flexible Session Schedule
When it comes to scheduling your next session, the Psychologists at Pinnacle Psych offer flexibility to clients, 7 days a week, to allow for booking that accommodate their day-to-day and work best for their schedules. To book a session, reach out today!
Pinnacle Psych delivers top-quality full-service counselling, assessment, and consulting services to individuals, couples, families, schools, organizations, and corporations. We offer a full-service menu, coupled with boutique finesse, and help break down the barriers that prevent excellence in our clients’ lived experience.